Health related topics
- How to give CPR
- Understanding bloat in dogs
- Vaccination protocol recommendation from Dr. Dodds
- Is your dog dealing with a behavior problem? Have you had her thyroid levels checked?
- Cutting your dog's nails (video)
- Giving your dog choice during nail trims (video)
- How to teach the upside down settle for nail trims (video)
- How to safely trim your dog's nails (blog)
- Collected information about hip dysplasia
- Rehab harness for hip dysplasia
- Potential orthopedic problems in puppies
Spaying and Neutering
Body weight
Below is a collection of before and after photos of dogs who were too heavy and then lost weight and got fit. I hope it helps give you an idea of body weight differences on various body types. Always speak to your veterinarian before starting a diet or exercise program.
Food and nutrition
- Dog Food Advisor
- Did you know rawhide is dangerous?
- Understanding what goes into your dog's food, as well as lists of "best" and "worst" foods
Conformation - aka the way your dog is put together
Why does conformation matter? Take a look at the dogs below. To be fair I'm showcasing two breeds known for extreme conformation, but it's to make a larger point. Which dogs seem like they would move comfortably, powerfully, effortlessly, and feel good in their bodies? Which dogs seem like their movement would be extremely clunky, if not downright painful? This matters to us for a few reasons - one is that if your dog has poor conformation, they are likely predisposed to more health issues. Health issues potentially mean pain or discomfort. Pain and discomfort attribute to aggression quite directly. I also hope it will inform your future dog acquisition. If your current dog has poor conformation, there's obviously nothing we can do about it and it does not in any way detract from who your dog is or how much you love them. But if you plan to add another dog to your family at any point, keep an eye on how that dog (or his parents) is put together. How does he move? How do you think it feels to be in his body?